Tuesday, August 7, 2012

National Bookstore: David Archuleta


One of the Book that the National Bookstore published inside Philippines is the “Chords of Strength: A Memoir of Soul, Song and the Power of Perseverance” by David Archuleta.

David Archuleta is an International Artist, we all knew that. But, as a Filipino citizen we didn’t expect that he will live here for a few month and make an Opera this early 2012.

In his Book David Archuleta mentioned many exquisite quotes, Some of them are:

 “I like to believe that you don't need to reach a certain goal to be happy. I prefer to think that happiness is always there, and that when things don't go the way we might like them to, it's a sign from above that something even better is right around the corner.”
David Archuleta, Chords of Strength: A Memoir of Soul, Song and the Power of Perseverance

“Sometimes when you least expect it, the tables turn and that scary feeling that has taken hold of you for so long somehow turns into hope”
David Archuleta, Chords of Strength: A Memoir of Soul, Song and the Power of Perseverance

“The future can be a scary thing. Because it's something that's always left open for anything to happen. It's a total mystery. But at the same time, it's so exciting. Each decision we make can alter how our future will turn out, so how we end up in the future is really our decision. We never know what will be thrown at us, but it's up to each of us as to how we deal with whatever does come. No one else can decide that for us. While I might be wondering about what will happen down the road for me, and gt nervous about it now and then, I am also really hopeful for it because I know there will be so many windows of opportunity that can really change my life if I choose to take hold of them and not be afraid to go for it.”
David Archuleta, Chords of Strength: A Memoir of Soul, Song and the Power of Perseverance

These Picture was taken David Archuleta visit the Philippines for the Book Signing in Manila July 21, 2011..

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